
Conditions / Sciatica

Sciatica is named after the longest and largest nerve in the human body.  The sciatic nerve is made up of branches beginning in your lower back and extending into your buttock, hips, and legs.  Sciatica is characterized by pain in the back of the leg. 

Sciatica is a symptom rather than a diagnosis.  Pain along the sciatic nerve distribution means that there is likely pressure on the nerve somewhere along its path. Most commonly this is due to a bulging or herniated disc in the lower back. Our clinic can help you figure out why you are having sciatica.  

Causes of Sciatica:

      • Lumbar disc herniation / bulge

      • Lumbar spine stenosis

      • Degenerative disc disease

      • Piriformis Syndrome 

      •  Lower Back Injuries 

Are you sure it is sciatica?

People struggling with sciatica can present with a variety of symptoms. Most notably these patients demonstrate:

– Numbness / tingling

– Back and/or leg pain

– Limited and painful bending

– Increased pain with prolonged sitting

– Pain that is worse in the mornings

Sciatic nerve pain can range from a mild ache to a sharp, burning sensation. If you are still curious if you are suffering from sciatica, do not hesitate to schedule your appointment to get it evaluated.

Sciatica often presents as lower back pain with radiation into the leg. Ask yourself these questions to see if you may be dealing with a flexion-intolerant lower back causing  your sciatica symptoms. 

  • Is your back or leg pain worse in the morning? 

  • Is your back or leg pain worse with bending forward? 

  • Is your back or leg pain worse with prolonged sitting? 

  • Is your pain worse with rising from a chair?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above your sciatica may be due to a lumbar spine issue.

Try these simple, yet effective exercises to see if your back and leg pain improves. 

Piriformis Syndrome

Tension or tightness in the gluteal muscles or the piriformis can create sciatic-like symptoms. The sciatic nerve traverses through the piriformis muscle which can easily create irritation and compression if too taut. These cases of ‘pseudo-sciatic’ generally do not have accompanying back pain and can be relieved with hip focused stretching and exercises.  

With that being said, it is very important to first rule out the lower back pain as a source of irritation before focusing on the hip musculature.  OMNE Chiropractic operates on a spine first assessment because most commonly the lumbar spine is the culprit. 

A quick tip: if you carry a wallet and constantly sit on it for long periods of time at your desk or in your car, this can irritate the sciatic nerve. It is best to not sit on your wallet for long periods of time or make the switch to a front pocket wallet. 


OMNE Chiropractic is experienced in proper diagnosis of sciatica with a variety of safe and effective treatment approaches. If you are dealing with sciatica do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with our office.