Research Review: Pre-Sleep Protein Builds More Muscle

It is fairly common knowledge that post workout protein ingestion helps build skeletal muscle. What researchers are finding out now is that the adaptive response after resistance type exercise last far longer than a couple hours post exercise. This had led them to further investigate how the adaptive response to resistance type exercise can be better attenuated. The current study looked at how the ingestion of protein before bed was able to increase protein muscle…

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Sports Chiropractic – Creighton Edition

I am a proud supporter of Creighton University Athletics and have had the pleasure of  serving as a member of the Creighton University medical staff as a chiropractor since 2016.  I treat athletes from all sports on campus and at the clinic.  It is rewarding to be able to offer chiropractic services to student-athletes at my alma mater. It doesn't seem like too long ago I was a student athlete at Creighton as a member…

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