The Problem with 75 Hard

Social media is a breeding ground for trends and challenges, with one of the most recent and polarizing being the '75 Hard' challenge. This rigorous program has gained considerable attention and followers, but it also raises significant questions about its feasibility and impact. Let's delve into how '75 Hard' was popularized, some of the issues it presents, and the valuable takeaways. The Rise of 75 Hard The '75 Hard' challenge was created by entrepreneur and…

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How do I know if I have plantar fasciitis?

Did you know Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain in adults?  Plantar Fasciitis is a big buzzword in musculoskeletal medicine, much like sciatica. However, not all heel pain is plantar fasciitis.  A correct diagnosis is an important first step (pun intended) in recovering from plantar fasciitis.  Speaking of the first step... One of the cardinal signs of plantar fasciitis is sharp, stabbing pain with the first few steps in the morning…

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How to Create an Injury-Free Running Program

A poor running program causes more running injuries than most people realize.  Most running injuries are due to training errors and therefore considered preventable.  I was excited to sit down with Creighton Cross Country Coach, Chris Gannon, to discuss Programming for the Runner. I have been able to collaborate with him while rehabbing a couple of his runners while serving as the sports chiropractor for Creighton University Sports Medicine Team.This is the first interview in…

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A Smarter Running Program – Slow Cooker Style

Slow cooking your running program will result in less injury and more miles, therefore allowing you to stay on your training schedule by progressing running intelligently.  Crock-Pot History The original slow cooker was the brainchild of Irving Naxon who received a patent for the device in 1940. However, the device took off in the early 1970s after the patent was sold and started being produced in mass quantity under the name, Crock-Pot. To clarify,  Crockpots…

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Wake Up Call for Athlete Sleep In this research review, I'd like to highlight a study examining a wake up call for athlete sleep. The wake up call is to college athletes and athletic departments on the importance of sleep to well-being and performance.  Although the study involves college athletes, principles and findings can be applied to non-athletes. Source: Kroshus E, Wagner J, Wyrick D, et al. Bri J Sports Med 2019; 53: 731-736 The Power of Sleep Sleep is…

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What is a Functional Diagnosis?

A functional diagnosis is critical to better understanding pain and performance. At OMNE Chiropractic, Dr. Peters utilizes a movement based assessment to find solutions. Functional Diagnosis First, a functional diagnosis involves determining the movements or limitations causing the pain. It involves locating key areas of movement deficiency and their impact on the patient's symptoms. For example, Dr. Peters will test foundational movements such as a squat and a lunge. In addition, Dr. Peters utilizes other…

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Runners’ Knee Presentation

Knee pain in running athletes is extremely common. In fact,  over 42% of running related injuries involve the knee according to a 2002 study in the British Journal of Spots Medicine.  Consequently, nearly 25% of runners develop knee pain each year. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) Patellofemoral pain is the most common cause of anterior knee pain in running athletes. In the past, the condition was  thought to be related to a patellar tracking issue.…

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College World Series Chiropractor

Doctor Peters has served as the official College World Series chiropractor each summer since 2017. Read on to learn more how the relationship has evolved over the years. Past Another year of the College World Series has come and gone. It is easy to take for granted growing up near Omaha. On the other hand, people flocking to Omaha to crown the champion of college baseball may even seem like a burden for some.  However, my…

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Strength Training In Athletes

Dr. Peters was fortunate to sit down with two NCAA Division I strength and conditioning specialists covering a variety of topics including in-season training, sports specialization, movement basics, and much more. A brief summary with some of my favorite quotes can be found below! What areas can youth / high school athletes improve prior to arrival on campus ? “In general, learning how to move well is important before you get to this level. Because…

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Big Three Core Exercises

Simple, Safe, and Effective are great exercises for engaging your core that are spine safe popularized by Dr. Stuart McGill. This is not to say that other exercises aren't good but these are a great entry point for those looking to improve their core activation. Progressions and regressions are endless from the Big 3.Bird dog: Lift opposite arm and leg while maintain good intra-abdominal pressure throughout the lower back while avoiding any dramatic shifting…

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10 Commandments for Runners

OMNE Chiropractic and Dr. Jace Peters treat runners of all ages and abilities. From Division I cross country athletes to patients trying to complete their first 5k. Our sports chiropractic approach has helped runners keep running, The following ten commandments for injured runners is from Chris Johnson, DPT who is an extremely smart physical therapist that produces some great content.

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Research Review: Pre-Sleep Protein Builds More Muscle

It is fairly common knowledge that post workout protein ingestion helps build skeletal muscle. What researchers are finding out now is that the adaptive response after resistance type exercise last far longer than a couple hours post exercise. This had led them to further investigate how the adaptive response to resistance type exercise can be better attenuated. The current study looked at how the ingestion of protein before bed was able to increase protein muscle…

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Sports Chiropractic – Creighton Edition

I am a proud supporter of Creighton University Athletics and have had the pleasure of  serving as a member of the Creighton University medical staff as a chiropractor since 2016.  I treat athletes from all sports on campus and at the clinic.  It is rewarding to be able to offer chiropractic services to student-athletes at my alma mater. It doesn't seem like too long ago I was a student athlete at Creighton as a member…

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